Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cathedral Grove

Today we boarded the ferry headed from Vancouver to Nanaimo....on the next leg of our spring break journey.  The wind blew so powerfully strong that it could hold Paige up!!

Unfortunately my other beautiful girl was headed down to the truck, with Dad and Bentley.

Paige wanted to be a 'Titanic' Bow! 

Our next stop after lunch was Cathedral Grove Old Growth Forest.   An amazing adventure if you are ever headed to the Island.   There is a tree that is 9M in diameter, that is wider the a Ford truck in length!!   The whole adventure was simply amazing....Bentley had a great time playing in the natural spring water!   We all enjoyed the board walk, culture and pure beauty of it all.

Tree's dripped with Kyrptonite coloured moss, fungi grew in all shapes and sizes...and hung from branches, stumps and weeds.  We ventured under and over old growth branches...and tip toed across logs to 'get to the other side' we skipped paper thin rocks and collected orange granite that glowed with mica!

Our stop was amazing!!!

Next up...Our Tofino Arrival!

1 comment:

  1. All beautiful shots! You can feel the still majesty of the silent woods and then the action shot of Bentley....AMAZING!
